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Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

fasd symptoms

About 1 in every 1,000 babies born in the United States is diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome. Symptoms can vary in severity but include central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) damage, abnormal facial features, and growth impairment. Children with FAS also experience learning and behavioral challenges. Alcohol use during pregnancy causes life-long issues that can be very serious. If you’ve consumed alcohol during pregnancy, talk to your healthcare provider. It’s important to make an early diagnosis of fetal alcohol syndrome.

How early can you tell if your child has fetal alcohol syndrome?

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Additionally, many of these symptoms can occur due to other conditions. A healthcare professional specializing in FAS can help determine the cause. People with fetal alcohol syndrome have a life expectancy of about 34 years. Many adults with FAS die from accidents, suicide, or drugs and alcohol misuse. Research has found young adults marijuana addiction with FASDs—including fetal alcohol syndrome—are more likely to drop out of high school, get into legal trouble, and struggle with substance use.

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What are the treatments for fetal alcohol syndrome?

During those early weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is going through a massive surge of development. Alcohol use during this time could negatively impact the baby. Damage from alcohol can happen at any point during pregnancy. The beginning of fetal development is the most important for the whole body, but organs like the brain continue to develop throughout pregnancy. It’s impossible to exactly pinpoint all of the development during pregnancy, making it risky to drink alcohol at any time prior to birth. This condition can be prevented if you don’t drink any alcohol during pregnancy.

Alternative treatments

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About half of the pregnancies in the United States aren’t planned, leaving the opportunity for accidental alcohol use in the first few pivotal months of gestation. Treatment focuses on controlling the symptoms of the condition. Treatment strategies for FAS include nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic interventions. Physical symptoms such as growth impairment remain unchanged during adulthood, with persistent shorter stature. Brain maturation can become prolonged, and aging can accelerate. Although more research is necessary, some studies show that the craniofacial differences of people with FAS may improve during or after adolescence.

  • The U.S. surgeon general also recommends abstaining from alcohol if you’re trying to conceive.
  • Specific deformities of the head and face, heart defects, and intellectual disability are seen with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).
  • Don’t start an alcohol elimination program without telling your healthcare provider.
  • However, most studies have not researched FAS symptoms in people over the age of 30.
  • During those early weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is going through a massive surge of development.

Some symptoms can be managed with treatment by a healthcare provider, but they won’t go away. Any amount of alcohol during pregnancy can cause fetal alcohol syndrome. Damage to your developing baby can happen at any point during pregnancy. All alcohol, including beer, wine, ciders and hard liquor can all cause FAS. Fetal alcohol syndrome happens when a person drinks any alcohol during pregnancy, including wine, beer, hard ciders and “hard liquor”.

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Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)

  • Early supportive services can help increase their quality of life.
  • Some research suggests that a pregnant person’s environment may also play a role.
  • The risk of FASDs increases with the amount of alcohol consumed.
  • Fetal alcohol syndrome happens when a person drinks any alcohol during pregnancy, including wine, beer, hard ciders and “hard liquor”.

Alcohol in the mother’s blood passes drunken baby syndrome to the baby through the umbilical cord. Alcohol use in pregnancy has significant effects on the fetus and the baby. Dependence and addiction to alcohol in the mother also cause the fetus to become addicted.

Partial fetal Alcohol Syndrome (pFAS)

It is essential to speak with a doctor as soon as possible if a child shows signs of FAS. Early identification can improve the outcome for children with FAS and raise their quality of life. A doctor, counselor, or therapist can create a harm reduction plan and support system to help the person start to reduce their alcohol consumption in a healthy way. However, there is a lack of research to confirm the effectiveness of these therapies.

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Your doctor may refer you to a FASD clinic or FASD-informed service. An individual with FASD can be assisted by special programs with their learning and behaviour. Such assistance can enable a person with FASD to maximize their independence and achievements.

  • Parental training is meant to help parents to help families cope with behavioral, educational and social challenges.
  • Alcohol use during pregnancy can interfere with the baby’s development, causing physical and mental defects.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

The term FASDs is not meant for use as a clinical diagnosis. If your child is diagnosed with an FASD, the diagnosis will be for a specific condition under the umbrella of FASDs, as listed above. Most often, FASDs are diagnosed based on the mother’s history and the appearance of the baby, based on a physical examination by a doctor. The symptoms of FASDs may resemble other medical conditions or problems. The more alcohol you drink during pregnancy, the greater the chance of problems in your baby.