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Stress management Stress basics

healthy ways to cope with stress

We also highlighted gender, race-ethnicity, and socioeconomic status differences in each of these family relationships and their impact on well-being; however, many studies only consider one status at a time. Future research should consider the impact of intersecting structural locations that place unique constraints on family relationships, producing greater stress or providing greater resources at the intersections of different statuses. Relationships with family members are significant for well-being across the life course (Merz, Consedine, et al., 2009; Umberson, Pudrovska, et al., 2010). As individuals age, family relationships often become more complex, with sometimes complicated marital histories, varying relationships with children, competing time pressures, and obligations for care. At the same time, family relationships become more important for well-being as individuals age and social networks diminish even as family caregiving needs increase.

healthy ways to cope with stress

Does drinking water before meals really help you lose weight?

healthy ways to cope with stress

After a few minutes, open your eyes and return to the present moment. Guided imagery is like taking a short vacation in your mind. It can involve imagining yourself being in your “happy place”—maybe picturing yourself sitting on a beach, listening to the waves, smelling the ocean, and feeling the warm sand underneath you. During this reaction, stress hormones trigger physical symptoms such as a faster heartbeat, quicker breathing, and constricted blood vessels.

Gender Differences

healthy ways to cope with stress

But it can become an unhealthy situation when they create stress that interferes with your ability to do what you want or need to do. Proactive coping has been found to be an effective way to help people deal with both predictable changes like a decline in income during retirement, as well as unpredictable life changes such as the onset of a chronic health condition. Another study found that people who engaged in proactive coping were better equipped to manage their type 2 diabetes. Participants who planned ahead and set realistic goals enjoyed better psychological well-being. For example, feeling sad after the death of a loved one can help you honor your loss. Instead, it’s up to you to decide which type of coping skill is likely to work best for you in your particular circumstance.

Hui Liu, PhD

It’s a complex reaction that can change how your brain controls your moods, motivations and fears. Having supportive people in your life is the key to stress management. If you lack emotional support and friendship, it’s important to get it. Meditation brings short-term stress relief as well as lasting stress management benefits. There are many different forms of meditation to try–each one is unique and brings its own appeal.

Another resource is the Harvard Special Health Report Stress Management (/sc).

Or you can try guided sessions with the help of meditation apps or videos. Coming to terms with the fact that you can expect a certain amount of stress in your life may make it easier to cope when life throws you a curveball. Battling stress and trying to shove it down doesn’t get rid of the stressor. Peterson adds that pausing when you experience distressing thoughts or emotions can help deactivate your fight, flight, or freeze response and calm you down. Sign up for free and stay up to date on research advancements, health tips, current health topics, and expertise on managing health.

healthy ways to cope with stress

Minimizing the chronic stress of daily life as much as possible can support your overall health. Chronic stress can increase your risk of health conditions, including heart disease, anxiety disorders, and depression. Work, family issues, health concerns, and financial obligations are parts of everyday life that commonly contribute to heightened stress levels. Relaxation techniques can lower stress symptoms and help you enjoy a better healthy ways to cope with stress quality of life, especially if you have an illness. Stress management gives you a range of tools to reset and to recalibrate your alarm system. Over time, chronic stress can lead to serious health problems.

  • Luckily, there are plenty of stress relief techniques out there to choose from.
  • From yoga and tai chi to meditation and Pilates, these systems of mindfulness incorporate physical and mental exercises that prevent stress from becoming a problem.
  • As you begin to figure out what helps you feel calmer and more relaxed in that moment, you’ll learn how to carry that forward to apply it to other stress triggers.
  • Don’t stay “frozen” or feel like you’re holding your breath, waiting for your feelings to be over.
  • You don’t need to ignore the news entirely, but it may not be healthy for your stress levels to review or absorb everything happening in the world.
  • Work on the things that need to get done today, and give yourself chunks of uninterrupted time.